dee Concrete

Straight Curb & Gutter Forms Installation & Transition Instructions

Below are the steps for easy and fast accurate forming of straight curbs and gutters, as well as for transitioning from a straight to a radius curb and gutter form (or from a radius to a straight).

For a handy reference, download the Installation and Transition Guide in .pdf format (1.8mb)

Installation Instructions

  1. Set the first back face form to line and lock it to the pins. Slide the next back form in, raise it to the line on the stake in the forward position, drive stakes in the other pockets.
  2. After the first ten feet are formed with two division plates, only one division plate is required for subsequent forms.
  3. Place the gutter face form under the division plate clips using them as templates, then lock the forms to the form pins.
  4. Slide the curb face form into the hold-down clips on the division plates, NO threading, wedging or locking.
  5. Two top spreaders lock the curb face forms to the back face form to complete the forming.

Transition Instructions


  1. Slip either a male (#559 or #562) or female transition form (#560 or #563) onto the protruding form nose end of the back curb form, front curb form, AND curbface form or insert the transition form nose into the form pocket of the back form (#205), front form (#205), and curbface form (#240).
  2. Align the radius form's (#507) angle bracket ends with the angle bracket attached to either the male or female transition forms and insert the pin portion of the lock clamp (#625) into the top hole of either angle bracket and then lightly force down the pin to lock the radius forms to the transition forms.


  1. Attach either a male (#559 or #562) or female transition form (#560 or #563) to the existing radius back form, front form, and curbface form by aligning the angle brackets at the end of the radius form with the angle brackets on the end of the transition forms.
  2. Insert the pin portion of the lock clamp (#625) into the top hole of the aligned angle brackets and then lightly force down the pin to lock the radius forms (#507) to the transition forms.
  3. Then, insert the protruding form noses on the end of the transition forms into form pockets on the end of the back form (#205), front form (#205), and curbface form (#240), or insert the noses on the to be transitioned straight forms into the form pockets on the transition forms.

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